Monday, September 7, 2009

Decided to do some barbell complexes during my 5/3/1 deload week to try to increase my cardio endurance and maybe start to burn off a little bodyfat.

Decided to try one I read from Alwyn Crosgrove...they warned to start really light that it'll kill you. I didn't listen and figured the weakest movement was push press and hey, I can push press 115 all day long, right? Well I tried it with 115 and couldn't even get through the first one.

The workout consists of:
Romanian Deadlift
Bent-over Row
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press

Sets at 6/5/4/3/2/1 with 90 sec rest in between. Supposed to take ~12 min.

I did first set with 115 and had to rest several times. Dropped it down to 95lbs for the 5 rep and 4 rep sets and still had to rest. I stopped there....and it took over 20 min. I have a headache and felt like I was gonna die. Pathetic...but these things are awesome.

Also, even with the light weight it was hard on my lower back...I might try to replace a few of the [relatively] low back intensive movments.

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