Wednesday, August 20, 2008

At home not working again because of rain. The gym isn't open today...again. I'm bored and got to reading the Beast Skills site and think I may try to incorporate some of these skills in training. I can already do several, such as the headstand and one-legged squat. I clicked on a link that discusses progressions for doing the planche and front lever. I don't have a chin-up bar assessable so I skipped the front lever for the time being and focused on the planche. I tried the first progression for the planche...its the frog stand.

The gymnastics coach that wrote it says to get to where you can hold it for 60 seconds taking as many sets as you need, and eventually get to where you can hold it for 60 seconds straight. I had done this before not knowing what it was, so I knew I could do it. The first two 60 second periods took me two sets mainly because I lost my balance. Then after some more rest I concentrated on my balance and got it. I'll do it a few more times today before moving to the next progression. Its harder than it shoulders are shaking right now. I'll do some more bodyweight exercises throughout the day.

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